Re: Ask a Landmartian
SomewhereInMiddleAmerica:Your apologies for Erhard and Landmark ring quite hollow.The questions raised are not "spurious" and instead directly relevant to Landmark and its claims about the efficacy of...
View ArticleRe: Ask a Landmartian
rrmoderator -I have to say, I am confused by your noting that I have not provided evidence to support my opinions (which, by the definition of the word, are not empirical and therefore do not require...
View ArticleWhy it is wasted oxygen to argue with a. Landmark product
In 2005 Landmark sued Rick Ross and tried to obtain the names of those discussing LEC on this message board.The case was dismissed with prejudice.Here's an old discussion of methods reportedly used in...
View ArticleRe: Ask a Landmartian
SomewhereInMiddleAmerica:You did not read the links. The archives about Landmark and its training would take many hours to cover. The Cult Education Institute archives about Landmark are in-depth and...
View ArticleRe: Ask a Landmartian
@SomewhereInMiddleAmericaThey say, "It's not for everybody," but when i decided it wasn't for me, (after giving it more than a fair chance), they hounded me with phone calls for months.My recruiter's...
View ArticleRe: Wright Leadership Institute (WLI) experience from September 2011
The entire Wright scam has collapsed. Bob was an abusive troll and it finally caught up with him and Judith. These two frauds scammed the gullible for years, and now their little empire has come...
View ArticleRe: Wright Leadership Institute (WLI) experience from September 2011
Many cults recruit through our friendships and family ties. Persons we already trust are devastatingly effective recruiters.I got entangled in a situation with a cult affiliated therapist - and I was...
View ArticleRe: More to life?
A British friend of mine got involved with More to Life. He doesn't push it too much with me but when I was visiting with him and his then partner, I did attend the introductory class which he hosted....
View ArticleRe: The Wright Institute for Lifelong Learning?
Bob and Judith Wright resigned from the Wright Foundation in Spring of 2023 and all auspices of the Wright organization ceased operation as of December 31, 2023.
View ArticleRe: Wright Leadership Institute (WLI) experience from September 2011
All divisions of the Wright organization - the Wright Foundation, Wright Graduate University, etc. - have ceased operation as of December 31, 2023.
View ArticleRe: Wright Leadership Institute (WLI) experience from September 2011
The Wrights have invented a new organization called "Live Wright" ( The new entity and website appear to offer the same programming and language as well as look and feel of their...
View ArticleRe: The Wright Institute for Lifelong Learning?
The Wrights have invented a new organization called "Live Wright" ( The new entity and website appear to offer the same programming and language as well as look and feel of their...
View ArticleLandmark's Privacy Policy, The Types of Personal Information They Collect,...
I was looking for some information and stumbled upon this. This is extremely creepy, and it's on Landmark's own website. For the part that was of special interest to me, click on: "Types of Personal...
View ArticleRe: The Wright Institute for Lifelong Learning?
Following are past enterprises operated by the Wrights – together or separately:Human Effectiveness Incorporated (HEI)Center for Exceptional Living (CEL)Living Visions, Inc.Wright InstituteWright...
View ArticleRe: Wright Leadership Institute (WLI) experience from September 2011
Following are past enterprises operated by the Wrights – together or separately:Human Effectiveness Incorporated (HEI)Center for Exceptional Living (CEL)Living Visions, Inc.Wright InstituteWright...
View ArticleRe: Landmark's Privacy Policy, The Types of Personal Information They...
I don't know if this was their "privacy" policy, at the time when i was taking their courses, but i was not shown this. Since they keep information on people, and i don't see anyplace here where they...
View ArticleTextbook narsos are naturals at ghosting LEC merely refines it
One does not have to be a product of LEC or other LGATs to be a 'ghoster' -- one need only have the mentality of a toddler in an adult body (aka narcissistic behavior disorder).(All mature kindly...
View ArticleTextbook narsos are naturals at ghosting LEC merely refines it
One does not have to be a product of LEC or other LGATs to be a 'ghoster' -- one need only have the mentality of a toddler in an adult body (aka narcissistic behavior disorder).(All mature kindly...
View ArticleLandmark Survivors Group on Discord
Hi all,To all my fellow Landmark survivors & allies (those who have loved ones in Landmark/equally dedicted to bringing it down) please let me know if you would like to join my Discord survivors...
View ArticleOnline group targeting kids, with cult tactics
This isn't an LGAT, but i don't know where else to paste this. It's an extremely dangerous online group targeting kids as young as 8. The cult-like tactics all seem to be there; everything from...
View ArticleNew Youtube channel by Former Landmark Staffer
For anyone interested, a former higher-level Landmark staffer, Brian Nord, has started up his own Youtube channel. He has uploaded two videos, so far.In his first video, he is interviewed by a former...
View Article...and ANOTHER ex-Landmark staff member going after Landmark on YouTube. Yay!!
Here's another former Landmark staff member, with a Youtube channel, exposing Landmark's dirt. Great stuff! So glad they've finally got this ball rolling.LifeAfterLandmark[]
View ArticleAscension Leadership Academy - LGAT in Austin, TX
Creating this thread to (1) Consolidate what is currently known about the group and to (2) Learn more about the group’s structure and behaviors. Former members are highly encouraged to contribute...
View ArticleLifeAfterLandmark channel on YT; more info
Here's a little more information about the LifeAfterLandmark channel on YouTube.The name of the channel creator is Dale Dicksin, who was on staff in Australia. (I wanted to clear it with her before i...
View ArticleRe: Sensibly Speaking podcast episode on Landmark from 2020
Oh yes! This is the interview where Chris Shelton interviews Dale Dickins. Great stuff!Chris Shelton also recently interviewed John Hunter PhD about the effects that LGATs have on the nervous system....
View ArticleRe: Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael Gottlieb
A few weeks have passed since Royal Way’s 13th annual Day Of Devotion, honoring the passing of their fraudster charismatic patriarch, Michael Menachem Gottlieb.There is still no public and rarely...
View ArticleRe: Royal Way/Jacumba/Ranch/Michael Gottlieb
Michael Gottlieb recorded his hour long talks and played them while sitting with his students and devotees. This was not just because he needed to read from his reference material, but also to induce...
View ArticleMindShifting...
Feel free to move or delete if this is the wrong place.There's a Facebook ad going around for a technique called, "MindShifting", by Stevie Kent. He got his technique from a couple of psychologists,...
View ArticleLGAT/ "self-mastery" at Warriors Academy South Africa
HelloI'm curious whether anybody has heard of the Warriors Academy in South Africa. It is an "accredited Gap Year program" that offers adventure, personal growth and development. Additionally, the...
View ArticleLGAT Jargon
Hello!I was wondering if anyone would be willing to post the jargon they were taught in their LGAT. I would be grateful for the posts and I think it might be beneficial for folks to be able to compare...
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